2 plakater - Spar 15%
3 plakater - Spar 20%
4 plakater - Spar 25%

Collection: Black & White

Black and white posters - stylish and modern motifs.

Black and white posters can do something very special - especially when it comes to creating a modern and stylish picture wall. Many images and motifs lend themselves particularly well to the black and white style, and this type of editing is fantastic for giving a modern and minimalist look.

I especially love black and white images, as they can completely transform the mood a poster on the wall can give. It is simple but at the same time can also show details that you would otherwise not notice.

A black and white picture wall can give a room an absolutely fantastic and unique atmosphere, which complements the decor. If you are generally into black, gray and white shades, posters and art in this style can really lift your decor.

The motifs in this collection range widely from both architecture, which is especially good in black and white, but also animals and city life can be found.