
I collaborate with a printing company located locally in Roskilde, which ensures a sustainable and Danish production of posters and frames.

Your poster is only printed when it is ordered, and there is therefore no need for a large stock of all posters, which would be a potential waste of resources. In addition, the Danish production also ensures that your poster does not have to be sent from other countries, thereby creating an unnecessary waste of resources and waiting time.

I am very much in favor of supporting other Danish companies and start-ups - especially if we can even work together. It promotes unity and Danish business life, which By Boel is proud to be a part of.

The printing company I work with both specializes in posters, and at the same time also has a real interest in printed art, whether it is graphic art or photographic art. They therefore have a completely natural interest in delivering the best product possible - both when it comes to paper quality, prints and frames.

Handmade oak frames

All the frames I offer are handmade in oak wood locally at the print shop - and always with real glass. They are made for each print and have a completely unique expression.

Posters can be sent both with and without a frame, and here there is also a great focus on wrapping, packaging and shipping on the part of the printing house. Posters without a frame are sent in secured cardboard tubes, and if your poster is set in a frame and glass, it is packed in several layers of robust cardboard and bubble wrap to avoid damage along the way.

Quality is paramount

As a photographer - and artist - I am extremely passionate about my craft, which is to photograph and create motifs, on the basis of professional expertise and experience. Therefore, it is also very important that the next step in the process - the actual printing of the poster - similarly meets a high standard.

Quality is the key word all around - and that means I can proudly see my work come to life in physical form.

Sustainable focus

At By Boel, we see it as a great responsibility to be sustainable and environmentally friendly throughout production. By combining this objective with high quality, we can guarantee a product in a special class.

Our work with sustainability starts with the actual printing of the posters, which is done on a professional 9-colour photo printer that does not use unnecessary chemicals. The paper we use is FSC certified, which means that no more trees are felled than the forests can reproduce. At the same time, flora and fauna are protected.

Your posters are also packed in FSC-certified packaging and sent safely to you. We first print your posters when ordering to avoid wasting resources.